I was straddling on the thin limit between humility and condescension : Although I could see that I was fairly more educated than many JWs around me, I wanted to believe that the very fact that this religion was appealing to simple people could be seen as a sign of its genuineness and approval by God. I still believe that it must be so, the problem is, where is that approved religion ?
aligot ripounsous
JoinedPosts by aligot ripounsous
If I'm so intelligent how did I get drawn in to it all?
by Lozhasleft ini consider myself an intelligent woman...maybe not strong on the 'common sense' front, but academically i've done pretty well...so...how on earth did i not see through it all when i was studying in the beginning???.
i remember worrying about their 'sales pitching' styles and their arrogance of believing they had the 'truth' ...but still i got involved and became totally immersed in it all.
i feel like i sacrificied our whole family to them, who now shun me.. yesterday, my new son in law, he's a lawyer, asked me how i could have believed it wasnt a cult (topical word this week here) he said he didnt understand how i could have been persuaded to believe it all and trust them with so much and for so many years...... i feel ashamed of myself that i did and that i brought all this upon our family...anyone else relate?.
Do Y'all Like My House?
by snowbird in<----------------------------------------.
if so, you might like the other pictures, also.. http://www.bbaaghs.org/photos/snowhillinstitute/.
aligot ripounsous
Is it you on the pictures, Sylvia ?
tribute to a very humble man >RAY
by mouthy inhttp://youtu.be/0axx-av7zrc?a you will have to copy and paste this into a google search............sorry i can't do it some other way.oops i see where betsy already posted it sorry folks!!!!!
old age
aligot ripounsous
don't stay on your own on this thread, I join with you. Have a good day.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-06-10 WT Study (YOUNG PEOPLE) TEST PLEASE FORGIVE ME
by blondie inyoung people strengthen your desire to serve jehovah.
what invitation was extended to children in the christian congregation?
serve god or the wts?.
aligot ripounsous
Thank you Blondie,
nothing very new in WTland, tender pre teens are spurred to commit themselves to the organisation and teenagers must engage in pioneering to the cost of upper education and normal life. Those GB members are autistic to the outer world and just anxious to perpetuate their own pattern. Doomed system.
Who Would You Like To See As President Of The USA In The Next Election?
by minimus inwill it be obama or someone else?.
aligot ripounsous
What about Colin Powell?
Wasn't he this trigger happy general who blandly assured that Saddam Hussein had mass destruction weapons ?
Who Would You Like To See As President Of The USA In The Next Election?
by minimus inwill it be obama or someone else?.
aligot ripounsous
Someone intelligent who, among other qualities, will think twice before starting a war, if he ever has to, God forbid. Obama seems to be the right one for the job,
and the current First Lady is terrific.
Where did England disappear to?
by dorayakii inengland is the oldest nation-state in europe.
it is a pround and historic nation that is often buried under a "british" identity by the uk government.
within the european unon, scotland and wales are treated as regional entities, yet england is broken up into 6 regions and is not acknowledged as an entity in itself.
aligot ripounsous
I tell you, David, Aliénor was a bitch.
Where did England disappear to?
by dorayakii inengland is the oldest nation-state in europe.
it is a pround and historic nation that is often buried under a "british" identity by the uk government.
within the european unon, scotland and wales are treated as regional entities, yet england is broken up into 6 regions and is not acknowledged as an entity in itself.
aligot ripounsous
perhaps you could tell me WHEN was England ever a French colony ?
From William the conqueror (1066) to Henry V (circa 1420), french was the official language in England.
A French Britain wouldn't cause the subjects of Her gracious Majesty who come and spend their old age in France to worry about the rate of exchange of the £ against the €.
Do You Think Prostitution Should Be Illegal?
by minimus inrecently, in my area, a number of people have gotten caught looking to pay for sex from a call girl.
a catholic priest was one of the "johns" that got arrested.. i know there are some that argue that it is debasing.
still, for a million years, it's been going on and there are willing parties who want to engage in this activity.. if two consenting adults want to have sex with one another and are willing to pay and accept the services, is it a horrible thing, in your opinion?.
aligot ripounsous
In France, a consenting adult can freely be a prostitute. What is illegal and condemned is getting money from a prostitute, proxenetism, which includes letting a room for prostitution purpose.
Where did England disappear to?
by dorayakii inengland is the oldest nation-state in europe.
it is a pround and historic nation that is often buried under a "british" identity by the uk government.
within the european unon, scotland and wales are treated as regional entities, yet england is broken up into 6 regions and is not acknowledged as an entity in itself.
aligot ripounsous
Do you think that England is disenfranchised?
All that would never have happened had Englang remained a French colony